creagh in a sentence

Get sentences with creagh in a sentence.


Sentence Examples

1. In his first sermon on the issue Creagh stated that

2. Mary Creagh: I have always tried to do the best for my constituents.

3. Admittedly, the Limerick action was precipitated by the sermons of Father Creagh.

4. Following this second sermon, Creagh resolved to organize an economic boycott of Limerick’s Jews.

5. A single shower could result in 100,000 plastic particles entering the ocean, said the committee chair, Mary Creagh.

6. Irish journalists who could see with their own eyes the situation as it truly existed were quick to jump to Creagh’s defense.

7. The incumbent, Mary Creagh, was a notorious remainer, favouring a second referendum in a constituency which voted strongly “leave”.

8. Tensions reached boiling point in late January 1904, when Father Creagh urged his parishioners to cease making payments to Jewish traders.

9. The House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee agreed, its Chair Mary Creagh MP noting "a single shower can result in 100,000 plastic particles entering the ocean."

10. Griffith's editorial support for the Limerick Pogrom (a boycott of Jewish businesses in Limerick organised by the Redemptorist Father John Creagh in 1904) has also been criticised.

11. During his sermon the following week, on January 18, Creagh reasserted his belief that the Jews of Limerick were proving to be a destructive and alien force in the life of the community.

12. When Michael Davitt, a leading Irish Nationalist and labor leader, publicly expressed his opposition to events in Limerick, Creagh responded with an economic defence of actions against Jews in the city.

13. “Billions of pounds of investment is needed in clean energy, transport, heating and industry to meet our carbon targets,” said Mary Creagh, a member of Parliament who leads the the Environmental Audit Committee.


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