myo in a sentence

Get sentences with myo in a sentence.


Sentence Examples

1. thalmic labs myo.

2. her son, myo, is her second one.

3. Myo-EX – ideal choice for focused exercise

4. Myo represents death and ho represents life.

5. Non-epileptic (myo)clonic movement can occur.

6. Non-epileptic (myo)clonic reactions can occur.

7. Orbea Press Clipping: With MYO, you're the artist!

8. The two brothers Upar and Myo Kyaw are the chiefs.

9. The Tibetan Dai-Ko-Myo can be found in two versions:

10. Myo-mechanical Analysis of Isolated Skeletal Muscle…

11. Levels of myo-inositol are especially high in the brain.

12. Our goal is to make developing with Myo as easy as possible.

13. myo – the communication platform for care enters competition

14. The myo app is offered to you by the respective nursing home.

15. During our ICO, a maximum of 100 million MYO will be created.

16. This One can be really small (“myo”) and everywhere (“yeon”).

17. Interview with 88 Generation Student member Myo Yan Naung Thein

18. Exosomes from non-heart-attack mice did not carry the myo-miRs.

19. The fourth myo-miR, miR-133a, was partially carried by exosomes.

20. Nay Myo Zin has repeatedly been jailed for his peaceful activism.

Meaning of Myo

1. of muscle; relating to muscles.


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